SUBLIMIC 芯之麗專為喚醒這股力量,激發秀髮潛能的髮質護理。
結合SUBLIMIC 芯之麗的科學與妳內在的力量,共同綻放美麗。
資生堂專業致力提倡「啟發源於內在之美」,劃時代領先科技,實現從髮芯內部與髮肌基底著手的本質調理, 啟動原生美麗能量、由內而外綻放耀眼原生美髮。
資生堂集團獨家創新科技,隔絕一切空氣懸浮汙染微粒,防止 PM2.5、廢氣、沙塵、花粉等可能傷害髮絲頭皮的有害因子不再沾附。
SUBLIMIC treatment service can be personalized based on hair and
scalp concerns and mood to create the best finish for each individual customer.
SUBLIMIC treatment service can be personalized based on hair and
scalp concerns and mood to create the best finish for each individual customer.
Strength Renewed From The Core
For hair which has started experiencing change
Strength Renewed From The Core
For hair which has started experiencing change
Intensify resilience. Magnify moisture.
Revive hair with its own inner strength.
Bring out luminosity. Bring back suppleness.
Make color last and last.
Virtual consultation delivers personalized "Hair Beauty“. Our beauty specialists provide total care to maximize your allure.
Virtual consultation delivers personalized "Hair Beauty“. Our beauty specialists provide total care to maximize your allure.
Dryness, stickiness, odor, dandruff, itchiness... everybody has some kind of scalp concern. But don’t you wish to solve the problem on your own, since it’s embarrassing to talk to others about it? The scalp is part of the skin which is connected to the face and body, so what should you wash it with? You will enjoy a feeling of comfort everyday by choosing a scalp-care shampoo.