針對髮絲歲月問題的髮廊療程。 按顧客的個別髮絲狀況和問題,提供合適且優質的產品選項,打造美麗秀髮。 顧客只需進行恆常的家用護理,並定時接受髮廊療程,即可獲享滿意的修護效果,增添自信風采。
1: Personalized Treatment
Professional Consultation on your concerns and choose the program that matches with your needs.
2: Hair & Scalp Intensive Care
The appropriate intensive care item will be selected based on your hair & scalp concerns.
3: 獨有的頭部按摩護理技巧
高效產品配合專業按摩手藝* ,顧客可即時感受到療程所帶來的改變。
<按摩手法1 - 提升> 以按摩手法為頭皮層提供彈性和強韌度,以達致提升效果。
<按摩手法2 - 強化> 以按摩手法促進頭皮層血液循環,以強化髮絲達致豐盈效果。
Addresses the deep layers of the scalp※ for beautiful hair
Two intensive care programs which professionally address various aging concerns.
With a customized menu plus massage method, the customer will feel the difference immediately after receiving the treatment.