In December 2021, SUBLIMIC completed its social contribution activities through donating part of sales proceeds of limited edition of SUBLIMIC WONDER SHIELD (leave-in treatment) to WaterAid. When converted to the end impact, it will be helping about 1700 people to gain access to clean water.
SUBLIMIC believes that water is essential to our experience of beauty. It cleanses. It heals. It gives us a feeling of well-being. SUBLIMIC started SHARE WATER PROJECT to share the blessings of water with people in need by introducing the special package in collaboration with calligrapher MIKITYPE. For each one sold, we donated partial sales to WaterAid.
Our partner, WaterAid, is an international NGO (non-governmental organization) aiming “to create a world where everyone everywhere has clean water, safe sanitation, and good hygiene”. It is involved in projects in 26 countries in, including Asia, Africa and Latin America and provided access to clean water.
SUBLIMIC shares the vision of WaterAid and will continue SHARE WATER PROJECT in the future. We believe that by bringing out your own beauty, you can make a beautiful difference for people and the earth.
Launch countries:Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia
For details about Water Aid, please visit
Do beautiful for people and the earth.
在全球疫情下,讓我們反思與大自然之間的關係, 比從前更趨向追求自然,更渴望與大自然和諧共生減少對地球環境的傷害。 每個人只要願意為未來、為大家、為海洋和環境踏出一小步, 我們便可合力為地球創造美麗。
我們深信,美的體驗與「水」息息相關 — 「水」既是髮廊體驗的重要部分, 而是皆因水是大自然給予人類的恩賜,從內至外,紓解和潤澤我們的身與心! 今年,我們將這份美的體驗昇華,使更多有需要人士獲取潔淨水源,並致力保護海洋免受廢塑膠之害。邀請你與我們一起行動,讓這地球變得更快樂、更美麗,讓這份使命感帶來無限滿足感。
創造美麗 為地球同心同步
SUBLIMIC 深信,美的體驗與「水」息息相關 水,既能潔淨亦能療癒 給予我們健康的感覺。
擅長以西方古書法融入現代個人風格的日藉創意書法家 MIKITYPE — 以「與大自然重新連結」為概念,將WATER 一詞用創意書法重新組合成獨特的瓶身圖案,以「水」締造生命中的美。
成立於 1981 年的國際非牟利組織 WaterAid,致力為全球人類帶來潔淨安全的水源和衛生環境。 單單在 2019 年,WaterAid 已在 26 個國家參與各項計劃,為逾 40 萬人提供乾淨水源,並為 182,000 學校師生和過百萬名病人興健衛生及醫護設施。其中 The Water Project ,更是因疫情而成立的非牟利組織,以協助非洲地區獲取潔淨水源為服務宗旨。
125毫升 建議零售價: HK$290