兩年一度的BEAUTY INNOVATOR AWARD (BIA) 造型比賽,讓亞洲頂尖美學領創者雲集東京,以無比創意角逐殊榮。
The world is full of contradiction, and that is why we love it. Digital or analog, artificial or natural, bold or simple… Each has its own beauty and it’s too hard to pick just one. From nostalgic outfits accentuated with cyber goggles to earth-colored looks paired with pink faux eyelashes, the latest runway shows also featured a variety of paradoxical elements to create an inclusive, future-conscious mode. Never afraid to be inconsistent, but be honest to what you love. That is the answer.
Discovering the lifestory of Top Beauty Creators. They are challenged to answer questions about their personalities, such as likes, inspirations, childhood…etc. You will get to know them better than ever.
After three long years away, Beauty Congress is back with an outstanding lineup of events designed to inspire stylists all over the globe. Join us for live events celebrating vision, innovation, and a love of hair. Live on Youtube on September 6th, 9PM JST.