Be Professional using the Diagnosis Camera to review details.
Checking hair and scalp condition including hair density and diameter, you can lead consumers to much more satisfied counseling.
Visualizing scalp and hair condition on the spot. Furthermore, even hair density and diameter would be digitized.
Technical analysis rises consumer satisfaction level and makes your menu proposal easier.
Counseling through checking the care effect from the stored data, you can lead consumers to repeat.
① Shooting
Shoot the spot to analysis scalp and hair condition and/or density, diameter after connecting with an exclusive caemra.
② Diagnosis
The app suggest the level and result based on what you took. (Density and Diameter only)
③ Proposal
Make a proposal for consumers SUBLIMIC SS menu and home care items, based on the resutls and consumers' wishs. By showing the current condition, your proposal would be more professional.
Please contact to your local representative to use.